Wednesday, February 27, 2008
because you said so

more on this later...

oh, sorry, here i am! i forgot i needed to finish this.

you all gave me some great advice on the countertops. you really know your stuff! thank you! from what you shared, i decided there is no perfect surface, is there? i realized i was making a mistake by getting too committed to keeping the current backsplash. i mean, if you are going to go to all the trouble to rip out your granite, why on earth would you keep a backsplash you don't love? so we decided to rip that out too. and after we did that, we saw that we could really choose any counter top we wanted (since we no longer had to try to match the existing backsplash.)

now we are putting in a beadboard backsplash (just like we did in our last home) and so for the counters...
the carrara marble. duh, of course! because, really, what screams farmhouse like carrara and beadboard? and if nothing is perfect, then why not get the imperfect that you LOVE? so you all talked me into it. and i appreciate it so much. because i feel so happy about it. and you all are so nice.

  posted at 11:41 AM  

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
temporary sink

this is my sink. or maybe i should say, this will be my sink. i thought it might help you to see it as you consider the countertop options. i have gotten some great advice, please keep it coming. if there is something different you think i should consider, please let me know that too! we were supposed to decide this today and i just don't feel ready to do that. we are going to be behind in the project, but it has to be right, so these things cannot be rushed! and, oh, how i appreciate your help :)
  posted at 1:45 PM  

Monday, February 18, 2008
friends, romans, countrymen...

we are trying to pick out our counter tops. i thought this would be easy, usually i know exactly what i like, but this is more difficult than i expected. i like little variation, which is why granite is not my thing. i'm looking for one smooth color, but i want it to look natural. i love things like limestone and slate, but i keep hearing how porous and breakable they are so they are not practical. we have stacks and stacks of samples here. we came across a fairly new product called caesar stone. i think i like it. i am also thinking of going really dark with it, which is surprising me. i love my light colors. anyway, does anyone out there know anything about caesar stone? do you have it? we are doing our island in wood/butcher block, so this is just for the perimeter. and since you all are always so helpful...which of the small squares above do you like the best? i kind of like the one in the bottom left corner.
et tu, brute?
  posted at 6:54 AM  

Thursday, February 14, 2008
bye-bye, big sea of granite

this is my kitchen with the big slab of cold rock that i have never loved (model was unavailable for permission).
this is my kitchen in its current state. no sink, but lots of promise :) we are trying out temporary islands to see what we find most livable. i have to say, i even like particle board better than granite. i know, i know. i'm odd.
  posted at 3:30 PM  

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
sinkless in the south
we are better. thank GOD. i have never ever been so sick - and i have had some issues! my daughter is back in school, and though she is worn out at the end of the day, she is doing well. thank you all for your well wishes.

our project here is in full swing. i was kind of out of it when it all began, so i am trying to catch up with all that is going on. yesterday, our builder took our kitchen sink out! i will try to get some pictures on today of what everything is looking like. you all were so helpful with my island hunting. i am so grateful!

  posted at 7:05 AM  

Friday, February 08, 2008
so sick
it has been a rough ten days. two er visits, doctor's appointments every day, and one trip to urgent care. my daughter and i had some sort of flu-like virus. we are still recovering, but i am beginning to see the light.

so i am thankful...
1. that our vital signs are good :)
2. that i am now ready for bikini season - haha.
3. for people who step in when you need them.

  posted at 1:51 PM  

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still decorating. still love blue. but i'm stronger than i used to be.

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