Saturday, December 01, 2007
happy couple
we got our tree and greenery last night. today we shall "trim." isn't that a funny way to say decorate?
oh, and please don't think just because i was teasing mr. snoopy that you are not wanted here! snoopy was being sneaky - and even he is welcomed here :)
They make an adorable pair.
I stopped by to give you and the Hokies my congratulations on a game well played. :)
Libby (in Boston.)
You're right, they are the cutest snow people! They're adorable and I can see why you would invite them to stay for the holidays.
I love snow people! And I just realized that you 've been posting and I haven't read all of them!!! I need to catch up!
I am absolutely certain that the life you have imagined for them is exactly right!
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