Monday, May 07, 2007
standing on the promises
when i was a little girl, i sang a solo in front of my whole church. one of those BIG churches. it was a total surprise to my parents, they didn't know i had been practicing this old hymn with the choir director. and i didn't know what i was singing, i was just eight years old. the song, "standing on the promises," was just a bunch of words to me. in my third grade brain, i remember imagining myself literally standing on something. i had trouble with the promise, how do you stand on a promise? well, i have since learned.
when my nephew died, my heart broke. in the unbearable sadness, i have come closer to the God i always trusted and i am so grateful for the promises i was raised to stand on. the promises that include how we are precious to the one who made us and that he is with us always. in grief these things are tested, and i know they are true. God has held my hand.
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe." Ephesians 1:18-19
What a beautiful post, homedaisy. I have been told, and believe it to be true, that faith is a gift. Clearly it is a gift to you and the world that you create for yourself and the people you love. How lovely to have that gift follow you and develop and become something more precious and special as you go through life. Love,Meg
wow. what a beautiful post.
What a beautiful glimpse into your soul. I can tell you are acheing but light is filling the void very slowly. Your post has warmed my heart...thank you.
A few months back when you briefly mentioned the loss of your nephew, my heart skipped a beat. How appropriate today, to read your post, as it is my nephew Justin's 4th birthday today. Again, you stopped me in my tracks to be thankful for all that my family and I have been blessed with. Your words are so gracious. Today, in your nephew's memory you have shown us how to be closer to the soul God intended for us to be. Today, you too, are full of grace. And like he would have wanted, you have taught us what is really important. How bitterswett your too few memories of your nephew must be, but how blessed you are with the power to teach us all from your loss. May God bless you and your family!
Sometimes it is everything we need to just get through the day...and sometimes it's hard not to shout for joy because of Him!!! I appreciate your writing today... it is good to be reminded that he does promise ME that He is there, helping me work out my salvation every day. I was so sorry to read about your Nephew a month ago and I hope in some way that he remains an inspiration to your faith... we know God draws children near to him! You always put a bit of joy into my day with your blogs! Thank You!!!
you make me smile.
That was very sweet, proufound and clearly straight from your great big heart. You never said how your sweet little nephew died. Do you mind sharing that? You can email me if you don't want to talk about it on your blog...or if you don't want to share it at all I understand that too. I know your family must be feeling tremondous loss, but I hope your hearts are healing a little bit everyday with God's help.
what a beautiful journal entry.
thank you for the glimpse of your sweet spirit.
You and your family have been in my prayers from the first mention of your nephew's passing. Our infant son passed away 10 years ago, his name was Jess. My faith has only become stronger through his passing. The promise of Heaven
has become so much sweeter also. A book I was given "Mommy, Please Don't Cry" is a favorite to give when I hear of a little one going home to be with the Lord. We were given it at the visitation the night before Jess's funeral. It touched my heart so much that I wanted it read at his funeral. Our oldest son who was 11 at the time wanted to read it. What a blessing it was. The book is written as a child explaining how awesome Heaven is and not to cry, one day we will be together again. If your family hasn't already recieved the book I highly recommend, you can find it at most christian book stores. Thank you for your post.
Leigh Ann
CB...I just drove 2 hours home from Winston-Salem where my father in law is hospitalized. The doctors called in the family today because they are not expecting him to make it through the night. I am exhausted, but thought oh well, I'll just hop on for a few minutes. Somehow the Lord always knows just what we need to hear and when we need to hear it. Thanks for the post.
i am a sister to you. we are both children of God. i share the same faith. what strikes me so much when i read your blog is your honest, sweet, open, and gentle outlook on your life, your passions, your home, and now your faith. even though us bloggers get to choose what we project out "there", i think the reason why you have such loyal readership is because through the window of your blog, we see you are the real deal.
thank you for being authentic. that is so refreshing. may God bless you as you and your family continue to heal. the testimony of your nephew's life can be seen in the eyes of those that knew him and felt in the hearts of those who hear what his life meant to those who loved him most.
there is power and honor in your words.
What a beautiful expression of faith.
A kindred spirit,
my friend. the things i have learned from the way you live your life are tooo many to count. you are the evidence of God's love. and the promise you speak of... is pretty powerful stuff.
I'm so glad you have your faith to rely on in what must be an incredibly difficult time for you and your family.
Thanks for the offer to list me in your links. List me however you like. I could be Jen's Cottage if it makes you happy.
I keep returning to read this post, homedaisy. It is beautiful, honest and pure. Thank you.
A beautiful post & beautiful pictures!
I appreciated your post--that is such a great old hymn and such a true statement. Hugs and blessings to you today!
Such a beautiful message Bethy. How special a woman you are. When your nephew left this world, my heart broke for you. I have a nephew who is 4 now and whom I love more than my own life. I can only imagine your pain and than of your family. I know that our Lord is there for us ewven when things seem their darkest. I may never know the whys while here on this Earth but will someday...
Your faith is a gift...a gift we all need. It will sustain and uplift you.
My nephew faces challenges as he is delayed. He is 4 but does not speak and has many tough turns down the road ahead. But he is sweet and loving and such a fun loving boy. I used to ask God why...why they waited so long to be parents and then had this happen. Now I just praise God for his life and even the challenges. I just ask for the patience to try and understand and to be strong enough to help this little boy achieve what he is meant to achieve.
I am sending you hugs and love dear Bethy. You are amazing...
What a wonderful post, and testament of faith. Thank you for sharing this today.
Wonderful post.
What a beautiful really spoke to me.
A lovely post indeed. A loving
and encouraging reminder.
Oh my...what you wrote was so beautiful!! Almost made me cry as I remembered losing a nephew too. How encouraging. Thanks, Theresa
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